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Configuring KADA in your Microsoft App Page

This page will explain how you can configure your K instance to be launched from your Microsoft App Page

These steps must be performed by an Active Directory Administrator

Configuring your KADA Application in Active Directory

  • Go to Active Directory

  • Select App Registrations and search for the KADA application you created

  • Click on Branding & Properties and update the details of the application

    • Name: Update the application name if you want

    • Logo: Upload the KADA logo found (right click and save as JPG)

    • Homepage URL: Add the K instance url (e.g. https://[customer]

  • Click Save to complete

Now your users will be able to find K in their application page, and be able to click on the application to launch directly into your K instance.

It may take some time before the logo is rolled out to your tenant.

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