How to onboard a new source
This page will explain how to onboard a new source to the K platform.
There are 3 classes of sources:
Identity Stores - These are sources such as Active Directory or LDAP to load User and Group information into K.
Databases - These are sources such as Oracle, Teradata, Snowflake to load metadata and logs from the database source.
Tools - There are sources like Tableau, Alteryx, Informatica to load metadata and logs from the tool.
This function is restricted to K Administrators
Step 1) Add the new source
Select Platform Settings in the side bar
In the pop-out side panel, under Integrations click on Sources
Click Add Source

Select the Source Type
If the source you are looking for is not available, select either Generic_database or Generic_tool
Depending on the Source Type selected different Connection Type options will appear. Sometimes there will only be one option (e.g. Load from file)
DIRECT CONNECT - K will be configured to pull from the source.
LOAD FROM FILE - K will receive files in a landing zone.
Complete the rest of the onboarding form.
After you add the new source, you can always go back and update the connection by clicking on the edit icon

Step 2) Schedule source load
The source configuration will determine the type of schedule you can set.
Click on the :schedule: Schedule Settings icon next to your new source
For Source configured to LOAD FROM FILE - The admin can set a poll frequency.
For Source configured to DIRECT CONNECT - The Admin can set a time to run.
Note that scheduling a source can take up to 15 minutes to propagate the change.
Step 3) Manually run an ad hoc load to test the source
Select Platform Settings in the side bar
In the pop-out side panel, under Platform Settings click on Batch Manager
In Source Load click Run

Select the source that you just added and click Run
After the source is triggered, the screen will change to the Monitor tab where you can see the progress of the job.

A manual source load will also require a manual run of
To load all metrics and indexes with the manually loaded metadata. These can be found in the Batch Manager page
Troubleshooting failed loads
If the job failed at the extraction step
Check the error. Contact KADA Support if required.
Rerun the source job
If the job failed at the load step, the landing folder failed directory will contain the file with issues.
Find the bad record and fix the file
Rerun the source job