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New Lineage Experience

A new Lineage Experience is available. Key enhancements in the new lineage experience include:

  • Swim lanes separating upstream and downstream levels

  • Lineage search

  • Advanced display options

  • Ability to download lineage map

Enabling the New Lineage Experience

To enable the new lineage experience, click on your Profile Settings and Enable New Lineage experience.


About Lineage Swim lanes

In the new Lineage Experience, the lineage map has been structured into swimlanes.

The benefits of using swim lanes include:

  • Ability to easily see all the data assets in that lineage level

  • Deep dive into each lineage level and quickly select data assets via the lineage map and Add to Cart

  • Edit the swimlane view to control which data assets you’d like to view and focus on.

  • image-20240901-002733.png

Lineage Search

Sometimes there can be large amount of data assets in a lineage and it can be difficult to locate a specific data asset.

There are two ways you can easily search the lineage map:

  1. Search through the entire lineage map via the main search option

  2. At the specific lineage level


Advance Display Options

There are a numbers ways you can optimise how you view your lineage map.

1) Filter and highlight your key data assets

  • Click on the Filter icon on the menu option

  • Chose which Collections or Properties you would like to Filter

    • When selecting the your filter options, you can toggle between ‘INCLUDE' / ‘OR'

  • After you confirm your filter options, items filtered will remain visible while those not elected will appear faded

  • image-20240901-001051.png

2) Hide unnecessary data assets

  • Hold Alt / Option and click on the Swimlane you want to edit

  • In the Swim lane pop out panel, you can manually toggle between what you’d like to make visible or hide

  • To easily unhide and see all previously hidden data assets, you can select all data assets and the click See in Swimlane


3) Hide or show reference data

  • Click on the View Options icon and select if you want to include reference data (Data assets and sources detected by K that have not been onboarded to K)


Download and print the Lineage Map

To download an image of the lineage map, click on the Download icon.

Prior to downloading the lineage map, try highlighting the key data assets you want to emphasise and for large complex lineage maps, highlight the data assets that are not required.


Accessing more lineage detail

When you click on a data item in the map, a side panel will appear to provide additional details and quickly update any information in the side panel, including:

  • Details about the data item including any tags, collections, and descriptions

  • Properties about the data item include its type, trust score, classification etc


To view lineage details, click on the info icon that appears when you hover over a data asset. A side panel will pop up showing:

  • The data item (code, pipelines) that join the two data items

  • Details of the data item like the actual code used


Quickly adding data items to lists, glossaries and collections

As you navigate through the lineage of a data item, you may want to quickly add this item to a group e.g. a list or collection. You can easily do this by right clicking on any data item (excluding reference tables) in the lineage view or directly updating information in the pop-up side panels.


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