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This page will guide you through the setup of Thoughtspot in K using the direct connect method.

Integration details











Currently in planning

Sensitive Data Scanner


Step 1) Create a KADA user

  • User account must be a local account (i.e. not via SSO authentication)

  • Add the User to a group that has

    • Can administer ThoughtSpot privilege or

    • Can manage data, Can manage catalog

      The group with Can administer ThoughtSpot will be given access to all objects by default. The group with Can manage data, Can manage catalog will need to be added to each object you want to load into K.

Note: the user will use the following Thoughtspot V1 APIs to extract metadata:

  • tspublic/v1/metadata/list

  • tspublic/v1/metadata/details

  • tspublic/v1/session/orgs

  • tspublic/v1/session/org

  • tspublic/v1/session/login

Access to Thoughspot assets is required in order for the APIs to provide metadata about the assets. There is no metadata read only privilege for all assets available in Thoughtspot.

Step 2) Setup the source in K

  • Log into K

  • Select Platform Settings in the side bar

  • In the pop-out side panel, under Integrations click on Sources

  • Click Add Source and select Thoughtspot

  • Select Direct Connect

  • Fill in the Source Settings and click Save & Next

    • Name: Give the Thoughtspot source a name in K

      • e.g. Acme Inc Thoughtspot

    • Host: Use your Tableau Cloud base URL

      • e.g.

    • Organisation IDs: This is the organisation ID for your Thoughtspot instance. It can be found in your Admin console under Settings.

      • e.g. 2014023163
        If you are unable to locate the Organisation ID through the Admin console, you may use this python script instead to list the IDs

        import requests
        import json
        BASE_URL = 'REPLACE BASE URL' # e.g.
        LOGIN_URL = BASE_URL + '/callosum/v1/tspublic/v1/session/login'  
        ORG_URL = BASE_URL + '/callosum/v1/tspublic/v1/session/orgs'  
        data = {
            'username': "REPLACE USERNAME",
            'password': "REPLACE PASSWORD"
        with requests.Session() as session:
  , verify=True, data=data)
            res = session.get(ORG_URL, verify=True)
            res_json = json.loads(res.text)
            for org in res_json.get('orgs', []):
                print("Org Name: {}, Org Id: {}".format(org['orgName'], org['orgId']))
    • Update the Host / Database mapping - see Host / Database Mapping. This step can be completed after the initial load via the guided workflow.

  • Enter your API and Token details and click Save

    • Username: Enter the name of the user you created in Step 1

    • Password: Add the password of the user you created in Step 1

  • Check the connection by clicking Test connection

  • Click Save & Finish

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