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Data Lists

All K users can create their own data lists for ease of future use and sharing with others. This page will walk through how to create data lists and the benefits of grouping data assets via lists.


Benefits of a data list

Lists can help you organise your data ecosystem.

Similar to tags, any user can create a data list or add additional items to a data list. While tags can be quick to create and easily visible on a data profile page, there are certain benefits that a data list can provide over a tag.

Key benefits of a data list:

  • Follow data lists so that you are kept up to date on any changes/updates to any data assets in the list

  • You can add tags to data lists to help others easily find the data list and indicate what it relates to

  • You can link Knowledge or Collections to a Data list e.g. Decisions and Questions. This can be particularly helpful for creating a permanent list of data items and knowledge related to a project

In an upcoming release, we will be improving the functionality of Data Lists by enabling:

  • Bulk action on items in the data list e.g. bulk edit, bulk linkage

  • Private lists that only you or specific users that can access

  • Change log of when data items are added or removed from a list for audit purposes

Adding items to a list

Currently there are 3 ways you can add items to a data list :



Option 1:

Via the Data Profile Page

Click on the ‘Add to List’ icon on the top right hand corner


Option 2:

Via Search Page

Right click on the data item


Option 3:

Via Lineage Map

Right click on the data item in the Lineage map


Option 4:

via Bulk Action

To add multiple items to a list, you can use the Bulk Action function

Bulk Action can be accessed via:

  • Data Profile page

  • Search page

  • Filters page

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