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Embedded Governance

Embedded Governance helps you include critical governance information directly the reports and dashboards that are used by the business.

Using K, you can generate code that can be directly embedded into the report canvas (e.g. Power BI or Tableau). This code will present information such as the report category and report owner that has been configured in K.

What’s in the Governance widget

The governance widget displays the following information sourced from K:

  • Category

  • Owners

  • Terms

  • Issues

  • Linked Teams Channel

  • Warning notices

  • A More details link that takes you directly to the Data profile page

The data widget can be shown in two formats:

Compact format:


Long format:


Long format with warning message:


Step 1) Setting up K access control for embedding

This step is for K Administrators only

  • Go to Platform Settings, Go to the Platform Management section and click Settings

  • Go to the Embedded Profiles options

    • Set Enable embedded profiles to True

  • Go to the CORS options.


Settings required


Edit Allow Web Origins. Enter the Domain of your BI tool and click Add

E.g. for Tableau Cloud in Australia your domain is typically

Power BI

Set Disable Content Security Policy Header to True

  • Go the profile page of a report you want to generate an embedding for.

  • In the header, click on More Actions. Select Generate embedded profile link


  • Choose the right embedding code option that best suits your tool. See below for advice on which options are required for common BI tools



Embedding option


URL only

Power BI

HTML code

Step 3) Adding the embedding to your Report or Dashboard

  • In your BI tool editor, add an web page object (e.g. Tableau) or HTML viewer (e.g. Power BI)

  • Add the above code into the object to display the widget

Power BI notes

To add the embedding to a Power BI report, you will need to add and use the HTML Content visualisation. Make sure to store the HTML code above in a dataset field that can be reference by the visualisation.

  • Go to More Visuals

  • Search for HTML. Click on HTML Content

  • Click Add to add the component to your options

  • Add the HTML Content object to the canvas. Add the HTML code from Step 2.

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