Managing 'Reference/Local Accounts' detected by K
Only K Admins have the ability to update Reference/Local user details
This page will show you how to update Reference/Local Account details that have been detected by K via the Users page.
Updating Reference/Local Users is useful for:
Updating the name and email of the Reference/Local User
Adding a Reference/Local User to a Team
You can access the Users page via: Platform Settings → Administration → Users

Onboarded User vs Reference/Local User
K has two types of users:
Onboarded: These are individuals that have been onboarded to K via the User Management Portal (e.g. KeyCloak or SSO) and logged into K at least once.
Reference/Local: There are users that have been detected by K in databases or tools that have been integrated to the K Platform. These users could be an User or a System account.
When K detects a new Reference/Local User, the default setting is to classify it as an ‘User'. A 'User’ is an individual / person.
It's important to review this setting and confirm if the usage is as an 'User' or 'System' as this impacts the K analytics that calculates Trust Score, Usage and Zone tags.
Updating Reference/Local Details
To update the details of a Reference User click on either the Edit icon or Add Teams icon.
Through these two functions you can update the reference users:
First name
Last name
Associated email address
Usage Type
Associated teams

You can only update details for Reference/Local Users.
If you would like to modify the details of an onboarded user you will need to go to your User Management Portal (e.g. Keycloak or if using SSO, via the relevant SSO administration portal)