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Data Ecosystem

Your Data Ecosystem allows you to navigate and explore through your organisation’s complete data ecosystem or quickly access your data assets, tasks and alerts.



The Sources page lets you view all Database and Source content that have been connected to K.



The Map page lets you easily navigate through your ecosystem in a visual map and see how your database sources and content are connected, including which sources have data from a specific domain, or belong to a specific classification. This is particularly useful for showing Architects, Solution Designers and other users how the systems are connected.


Domain Map

The Domain Map page is a great way to help you understand how the Domain collection is structured, the hierarchy and which domains are child domains.



Use the Discover page to discover new items recently created in your data ecosystem. New items you can review include: Reports, Terms, Collections, Lists, Issues and Tags


My Activity

The My Activity page is a personalised page that is based on your activity in your data ecosystem. On this page you can quickly view data assets that you have:

  • Used: See all the data and content that you have used recently.

  • Contributed: See data items that you have contributed to e.g. linking glossary terms or raising an issue

  • Run: See all the code, pipelines, macros or procedures you have run recently.

  • Created: See all the data, content, knowledge and other items you have created in the data ecosystem.

  • List: See data item lists that users of K have created to help make it easily locate groups of data items

  • Following: See all the items you are following.


My Tasks

The My Tasks page lets you quickly access tasks that you have recently performed in K. This includes:

  • Extracts: Data extracts that you have run via Ask K, Code Search or generating Bulk edit files

  • Jobs: Recent jobs that you have performed including bulk edits/updates and impact/dependency assessments

  • Questions: A list of questions that you have asked other K data users via the K Platform

  • Issues: A list of data issues that are assigned to you


My Alerts

The My Alerts page let’s you manage all of the alerts that you have previously created. This includes updateing:

  • Alert details

  • Alert recipients

  • Alert schedule

  • Delete alert


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