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Power BI (via Collector method)

This page outlines the Power BI Collector versions that are available.

We always recommend using the latest Collector Method to ensure that you can access the latest features.

Integration details






 See limitations below






Sensitive Data Scanner



Known Power BI limitations (limited by Microsoft)

  • Power BI API is currently rate limited. This may impact extracts where you have 200+ workspaces or groups. Some Power BI reports may fail to extract correctly and may their details may not be profiled.

  • Power BI datasets using large dataset storage format cannot be profiled

  • Power BI reports created in web browser (not uploaded from desktop) cannot be profiled for detailed lineage. Dataset lineage will be available.

  • Power BI dashboards in Apps are not able to be linked to their corresponding Power BI dashboard in a Report

Known KADA Power BI integration limitations (to be resolved in upcoming releases)

  • Power BI currently only supports lineage to Snowflake, SQL Server and Oracle

  • Power BI reports that use inbuilt fields cannot be profiled for detailed lineage

  • Power BI reports created in web browser missing dataset lineage

  • Power BI access does not consider direct grants to users. Access is only detected for users via AD groups.

  • Power BI data flows are currently not included in the metadata extraction

Power BI Version History

Version Number

Release Month

K Platform Compatibility

Collector Core Library Compatibility

Release changes


Jun 2023



  • Updated PowerBI prerequisites to specify ‘Download Reports’ must be enabled for the entire organisation


Jan 2023

5.23 - 5.26

1.0 - 1.1

  • New types of metadata extracted:

    • Export timeout

V3.0.0 - V3.2.0

Nov 2022

5.23 - 5.25

1.0 - 1.1

  • New types metadata extracted:

    • Compress

  • Introduction of Kada collector common library Collector that needs need to be installed

V2.0.0 -V2.1.4

May 2022

5.17 - 5.22


  • First official release of extractor

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