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Filters Page

There may be some search settings that you frequently use. You can save these common search and filter settings in K and access them anytime through the Filters page.

This page will explain some of the useful features available through the Filters page.

Saving a new Search Filter

Access the Search Page and update your required filters settings.

After you have edited all your preferred filters, click on Save As, to save these search settings.


When you click on Saver As, a new pop up will appear letting you specify the new Filter Name and the Permissions setting.

  • Private: Only you as the creator can see and access this saved filter

  • Public: Anyone can see and access the filter via the filters page


After you click Save, your new filter will appear on the Filters page.


Accessing and editing saved searches

  • Access the Filters Page through the side panel

  • The filters page displays all Private filters that you have saved or Public filters that other K users may have created

  • To edit the filter settings, click on the Edit icon (e.g. switch a Public filter to Private)

  • You can access your saved filters by clicking on the Name

  • When you access a pre-saved filter and make changes to the filter or search settings, you can choose to either:

    • Save: Update the current saved filter settings

    • Saver As: Create a new saved filter


Creating an Alert for a saved filter

K Alerts send scheduled extracts of your search results to your email and any specified recipient. The benefits of K alerts include:

  • Creating audit trails of regular reports (e.g. Monthly usage access reports sent to a Team inbox to help evidence review of system access)

  • Reports sent via K Alerts can be easily shared with non-K users (e.g. List of data assets owned by a specific Data Owner)

  • Scheduled reports can be used to trigger BAU operational processes (Weekly scheduled extract of all data assets with open governance issues to trigger follow-up activity)


You can schedule an alert by clicking on the Alert Icon

After you click on the Alert Icon, a pop up box will appear asking you to confirm:

  • The Alert name

  • The Alert frequency - When you select the frequency, you will be asked to confirm at what time you want the alert to be triggered. Please note that after triggering the alert, it may take a few minutes for the alert results to be emailed.

  • List all recipients that should receive the alert - You can specify either K users or specific email address. This may be helpful if you want to send the alert to a team inbox.


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