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Search Filter Tips

K offers a powerful google like search function that lets you quickly locate your data items.

Sometimes, the search return may return long list of data items. Filters are a great way to narrow your search results.

Default filters

When you use the search function, a number of default filters will always be displayed.

For each of these filters, you can select any number of filters. You can also toggle the behaviour of the filter to either ‘Include’ or ‘Exclude’ the chosen values.

Adding additional filters

There are a number of additional filter options available that you can customise per search. For example, you may want to include Collection filters to help you quickly locate and export all data assets that are part of a collection.

  1. Click on the ‘Edit Filters’ button

  2. Select the additional filter you would like to add

  3. Click ‘Close’ to return to the Search page

Using search in Filters

Sometimes you may want to search for a specific value in the filter.

Enter the value you want to search by to see what filter values match.

Currently only exact match is supported. You cannot use wildcard in the filter search. For example, in the below option

  • After selecting the ‘Full Name’ filter

  • Type in the custom filter value

  • Select Save

  • Sales is not an exact match and will return 0 results

Searching for Date Ranges

For date type filters, there is an additional filter feature where you can choose to filter between a date range.


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